Director of Misery

Rahul Gandhi is a bilingual actor, director, creator, and producer born, raised, and located in Montreal. This is his 4th production on PEI, and he is ecstatic to be back, and honored to be working once again at the Watermark Theatre.

Notable theatre direction includes Anusree Roy’s Letters to My Grandma (Watermark, 2023), as well as Stephen Adly Guirgis’ Jesus Hopped the ‘A’ Train (House of Actors, 2021) which won BroadwayWorld Montreal’s Best Direction of a Play award. Notable acting credits include: “Rafi” in What Rough Beast (Centaur Theatre Brave New Looks) for which he was nominated for Outstanding Lead Performance at the Montreal English Theatre Awards, and “Miles” in The Drawer Boy (Watermark Theatre). Notable arts work includes being the past Director of Operations for the Quebec Drama Federation, as well as a seat on the Professional Association of Canadian Theatre’s National Advocacy Committee.