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The Velveteen Rabbit

avril 26 @ 1:30 pm

After moving to a new home, Riley receives a plush rabbit offering comfort and sparking imaginative adventures, and an AI assistant, Lexa, leading them into exciting digital escapades. Conflict arises between the comforting, imaginative world with the Velveteen Rabbit and the thrilling digital adventures with Lexa, highlighting themes of emotional connections and the balance between reality and technology.

The production is directed by Dean Patrick Fleming and stars Audrey Ferus, Brontae Hunter, and Giordano Imola.

Geordie Theatre is Montreal’s leading English-language professional theatre for audiences of all ages, entertaining and engaging the imaginations of children and their families since 1980.

Recommended for ages 5 and older.  Tickets are just $10 for students and $15 for adults so bring the whole family!


Date :
avril 26
Heure :
1:30 pm


Watermark Theatre
57 Church Hill Ave
North Rustico, Prince Edward Island C0A1X0 Canada
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